Special Testimonial: Datanetics

March 14, 2016

Dear Marcie,

I would like to take this opportunity today to write to you and tell you about how “Let’s Get Going” has worked for us.

As a computer technology company we are always looking for partners that help to complement our business.  Through your
Network of excellent business members we were able to connect up with another company that specializes in managed services and networking. We felt a high level of confidence in this company and have now partnered on some business together and are now working on a larger deal together.

This is what business is all about today: partnering and networking with other people and businesses. Your formula helps to secure this trust amongst members and helps us to reach out to businesses we otherwise would have never been in contact with.

Your strong energy and desire to connect as many businesses together is what helps you and us garner such success.

We look forward to continued success together in the future.


Peter Luks, P. Eng.

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